Sense Black/Red cm13 theme v1.29 Apk Download

Requirement: Android 5.0 and up
File Size: 13.9 MB
Sense Black for the theme engine based on CM13, CM12 and CM12.1. Available for MM and Lollipop roms (android 6.0.X and 5.X.X). - CyanOS too.
You can find "Sense Black" with other colors in the play store or into list of my apps.
Purple version
Blue version
Orange version
Green version
•Arcus support:
- 5 colors (only apps): Pink, Terracotta, Crimson, Pure Red, Maroon;
- N style;
•Black style with red accent color;
•Themed all system apps and c-apps;
•Font for all Latin and Cyrillic alphabets;
•Battery icon (landscape and portrait);
•Animated icons for "Settings" and "Power Menu";
•True Sense switches;
•Google apps: Hangouts, Play Store, Gmail, Play Music, Messenger, Camera, Keyboard.
•CyanogenOS apps: Dialer Next, Camera Next, Gallery Next, AudioFX and icons.
Included in the theme:
•Alarms, application Icons, boot animation, fonts, notifications, ringtones and wallpapers;
•System UI: lock screen, quick settings, status bar, navigation bar and power menu;
•Camera (aosp and google);
•CM account;
•CM updater;
•Eleven (music);
•File manager;
•Google now launcher;
•Google settings;
•Google search;
•Keyboard (aosp and google);
•Snap camera;
•Sound recorder;
•Trebuchet (cm launcher);
and other applications.

Available for many roms: AICP, AOKP, BeanStalk, Dirty Unicorn, Resurrection Remix, BlissPop, Exodus, Vanir, FlexOs and other.
Problem? Please contact by e-mail!

• A little improvements for SystemUI, Snap Camera and Nav Bar;
• Various fixes for DU;
• Themed Google Plus;
Fixes for other apps in the next update :)

Google Play Store: click here

Direct Download

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